Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
- fluency & coherence
- speed:流利,但不是一味追求快(太拖沓肯定不行,well……I……think……my……favourate……food is)
- speak at length:有一定容错率
- discourse markers
- natural filler: well, you know, I mean...
- connectives: so because, and, but ... 【flexibility】
- lexical reesource
- less common(overused) words——在一个Q中频繁使用同一个单词
- 推荐phrasal verbs: go under(bankrunptcy), take 动词短语【因为不是很正式】
- 虽然雅思不考task response,但是可以在当前板块给内容打分。
- 重要-paraphrase:避免对题目的重复(when it comes to ..., I believe ...)
- 思维上规避中译英,不要逐字逐句翻,从原有的本质意思出发去表达(就算意思有偏差也没事,考官也不会细究) donate 99% of Facebook shares for charity give away 99% of his money to do good things for the society
- slang & idioms
- idioms
- speaking of the devil
- a piece of cake
- she is my soul mate
- party animal
- Chinese old saying:不要说,不如直接说引申义
- be on the fence about sth. 对……不怎么确定
- go with the flow 随波逐流,stay relaxed and accept the situation,而不是做选择或者控制
- feel under the weather: feel unwell
- have a lot on one's plate: be too busy
- it goes without saying that 可能更适用于P3
- be on the same page 同频
- go through a rough patch:to experience a difficult time in a relationship
- slang
- I am crazy about movie
- I am a movie buff
- idioms
- NO冠冕堂皇的缺少有效信息的空泛的话,少说说,要具体,要有逻辑
- grammatical range and accuracy / structure
- 词性混淆(不同词性的发音不同)
- 句型混淆
- 基础语言点犯错:时态tenses,人称person
- 如果前面一句话有犯错,可以做个纠错
- pronunciation
- intonation & strss
- ? & !
- 不同语调表的含义不同(come on)
- 不care accent
- clarity
- can generally be understood
- clear meaning
- intonation & strss
- 使用类似素材基本上就地正法
- 故事可以类似,细节听出背诵。背网上的素材,背要是细节和别的考生类似,会被判定。
- 不要相信某个表达或者单词让你加分,有时候,奇怪的表达和单词反而让考官知道你是背的。因为口语看重的持续稳定的输出,而非某几次亮点或槽点。
- 第一句话塞一个
- 体现真实感
- incredibly
- extremely
- really
- just
- always/never/sometimes/almost
- too
- right
other point:
- 要和考官互动(包括眼神互动),增加交流感
- 要有自然感
- 可以直接说:I don't know the exact word of ……, it is like ……虽然不知道怎么表达,但可以具体解释,也是种真实
Part 1¶
As a kid, I have to spend all evening do my homework. Maybe it is crazy, but in China, the priority is given to studying. 我经常被鼓励甚至被迫……At middle school, 几点睡觉。我觉得不合理
- compulsory:三选一
- study
- work
- accomodation (the place where you live——not hometown)
- random:2~3个topic
- 第一句话:直接回答问题
- 第……句话:原因分析,细节/举例说明
- 最后:个人感受,针对全局或者局部
Linking Words:
- 排列
- on top of that
- 对比
- on the contraty
- 转折
- despite the fact that
- 同意————去看之前的纸
- 【NO】of course,obviously
- I 100% agree with that
- That's exactly what I think
- That's basically what is happening around me
- 不同意
- 需要时间思考
- wow... I have neverr thought about this before
- this is a tough question
- would you mind I quickly think about it?
洗衣服:do the laundry by hand
back the dormitory
Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Can I start over?