Agree or Disagree¶
Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Much ink has been spilled on the advertising targeted at children. It is a sober reminder that individuals ought to channel attention to the healthy development of children. From my vantange point, the advertising, especially those without children-oriented adaptations, is better to be kept away from children as far as possible.
The negative effects of children-oriented commercials can be classified into two distinct aspects. The first one worth mentioning is that children are still at an early stage of cognitive development, thus needing the lead of proper worldview. A myriad of advertisement, however, can't shoulder this significant mission. As serving the purpose of encouraging consumption, most of them have the strong possibility of inculcating consumerism and misguided values among kids. Let alone the risk that products advertised brightly may directly jeopardizes children's physical well-being.
Another detrimental impact revolving around the fact is associated with family.It is undisputable that, due to the irrational consuming habits and the lack of judgement, children are prone to ask their parents to buy the products, giving rise to family economic burden. What's more, considering negative effects mentioned above, advertising may also has potential adverse impact on family education.
Nonetheless, there is some truth to the idea that advertisements have positive traits. Not only are they the unique information source but also a vital cornerstone for children's world recognition. For example, some commercials can introduce children to new products that may benefit their learning or daily life. Moreover, they can also serve as a medium to spread positive messages and values if designed thoughtfully.
In a nutshell, as an unescapable portion of life, advertising designed for children poses profound threat to them. In this sense, measures should be taken to restrict advertisements while the importance of freedom of information and parental supervision must also be considered.
Prons & Cons¶
Many people prefer to socialising online rather than spending time with their friend in the local community.
It is quite common these days for ordinary people, no matterregardless of their age~s~, to communicate, share and play with friends on the Internet. It is a sober reminder that individuals ought to channel attention to the significance of socialising face-to-face. From my vantage point, the adverse impacts of socialising online usually outweighs any merits.
Nonetheless, there is some truth to the idea that Internet has its beneficial traits. Thanks to numerous applications like Wechat and Facebook, people from every corner of the world can be connected, just by scrolling and pushingclicking the mouse by finger==s==. Meanwhile, we can also simultaneously talk with different friends of diverse backgrounds, thus boosting the efficiency of communication. Ultimately, not only does the Internet enable social to be more convenience, but it also enlarges everyone's social spectrumnetwork.
However, the adverse effects are more catastrophic and as far as my concerning they can be classified into two distinct aspects. The first one worth mentioning is that socialising through smartphone cannot might not deepen relationship, which ,on the contrary, can be achived by meeting friends in the local community. It is through sitting in the chair and sipping the tea, that we feel each other by means of vision and auditory, as well as smell and touch, thus coloring our mutual memory / deepening the mutual bond.
Another one revolving around the fact is associated with security. It is inescapable that many offenders, adept at using technology and even AI, are approaching us to seek their profits, which has posed potential detriments from financial loss to privacy leakage. So, in this sense, there is a heightened sense of security and trust in socialising in person, facilitating better verification of identities and more genuine communication.
In a nutshell, despite enhancing connectivity, the Internet's downsides, such as superficial relationships and security risks, tend to overshadow its merits.
Overall: 6.5-7
Good job! Your position is clear throughout the essay and there is some good application of vocabulary and complex sentence structure. The ideas are logically linked together with appropriate cohesion devices. However, pay attention to some collocation of vocabulary and express your ideas in a not absolute tone.
Traditionally, people have spent spare time with locals in the same community. However, thanks to social media and shifting technologies, the way we communicate has been greatly changed, with both positive and negative outcomes.
One of the most obvious benefits of online communication is the ability to reach people from anywhere. For example, Wechat enables young students who study abroad to stay in touch with their parents thousands of miles away; people can even meet new friends via Facebook and Twitter from countries they have never been to. By contrast, social network would be limited to geographic borders if time was spent only within the community.
Furthermore, easy and instant communication online allows for real-time information exchange. Group discussion can be created among hundreds of people whenever and wherever they are. One can also participate in interactions in multiple groups simultaneously, thus significantly increasing the speed of information sharing and dissemination.
There are, however, some disadvantages of online communication. Despite the easiness and high-speed of spreading information, the potential risks of being a victim of cybercrime, which may lead to financial loss and security problems, could not be underestimated. In addition, too much time spent in the virtual world may lead to a sedentary lifestyle and negative feelings such as loneliness, anxiety, and isolation in real life. However, these issues can be addressed through cyberspace regulation and collaborative efforts among government businesses and individuals.
In conclusion, online socialisation is an inevitable trend that we must embrace. While tackling its drawbacks strategically, the advantages of it should be harnessed.
- seek illicit profits:获取不正当利益
Discuss Both Views¶
Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Much ink has been spilled on the issue of whether the economy is the core of the developing goal for a government. While many stand in favor, it is a sober reminder that governments ought to have a comprehensive social view. From my vantage point, enhancing wealth, though significant it is, should not come at the expense of other vital aspects of a society.
The efficiency of a great economic situation can be classified into three distinctive parts. First, a strong economy forms a solid foundation of the development of individuals and society as well, both of which need money to survive and thrive. What's more, the likelihood of criminal and extreme incidents will decrease, as the result of a robust economy, thus leading to a steady and harmonious country. In addition, for a country, a strong economic power usually means a higher international status. For instance, countries like the United State and China, have achieved significant global infulence largely due to their high GPD rankings.
However, other types of progress play equally significant role in the healthy development of a country. This is owing to the fact that there will be major threats if a government only prioritizes the economic progress , such as cultural invasion, political security and so on. Other goals include cultual inherence and protection, political stability and so on. To be specific, if ignoring the significance of conservation, we will never achieve sustainable development, not to mention the long-term prosperity and well-being of future generations. Also, it is worth mentioning that without the guarantee of comprehensive national security, we cannot even ensure our financial resources to be used to support ourselves.
In conclusion, while the pursuit of economic progress is undeniably vital, it should not be the sole focus of development. A truly successful society requires a balanced approach that also concentrates on cultural heritage, political security, and social well-being. Only by integrating these elements can nations achieve sustainable and inclusive prosperity for all.
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food. But even if we buy fresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home.
The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaging or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored untill we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.
However, I think the amount of waste produce is also a result of our tendency to use something once and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispose of.
I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public. Children can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and by thing households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste.
With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste.
Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?
People are likely to use products only once instead of keeping these items for a long time. It is important to understand why this throw-away culture has developed and how to reverse this trend.
Consumers today do not keep many goods for a long period of time because these productsare not as expensive as before. Technological innovations and mass production have reduced the cost of products and improved the productivity of the workforce. Some electric products such as mobile phones and computers are now sold at low prices, and this is why many people would purchase the newest products instead of fixing broken items. Young people, in particular, prefer to purchase the latest mobile phones with up-to-date features and throw old ones away.
Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. People have not yet realised that their ways of life will lead to energy consumption and cause waste as well as pollution. They do not know that household appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment. lf they are aware that recycling can make their lifestyles more sustainable, they will possibly try to reuse products.
As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive, it is important to take some measures to mitigate this problem. Raising environmental awareness is important because this can change the ways people use and dispose of different products. Environmental groups can disseminate the knowledge of how to recycle disposable goods and household appliances. Governments can also enforce some laws to deter consumers from throwing away good. For example, the tax penalty can be imposed on the use of some disposable products, including plastic bags, thereby encouraging people to use eco-friendly alternatives.
To summarise, people's attitude toward consumption and the increase in wealth are the main reasons behind excessive consumption of disposable items. To address this problem successfully, the top priority is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection, which can lead to a change to their lifestyles.
These days in many countries, more fathers are staying at home to look after their children while mothers work full-time. What could be the reasons for this? Is it a positive or a negative development?
It is true that men are increasingly likely to take on the role of househusband, while more women than ever are the breadwinners in their families. There could be several reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very positive trend.
In recent years, parents have had to adapt to various changes in our societies. Equal rights movements have made great progress, and it has become normal for women to gain qualifications and pursue a career. It has also become socially acceptable for men to stay at home and look after their children. At the same time, the rising cost of living has meant that both marriage partners usually need to work and save money before starting a family. Therefore, when couples have children, they may decide who works and who stays at home depending on the personal preference of each partner, or based on which partner earns the most money.
In my view, the changes described above should be seen as progress. We should be happy to live in a society in which men and women have equal opportunities, and in which women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their careers. Equally, it seems only fair that men should be free to leave their jobs in order to assume childcare responsibilities if this is what they wish to do. Couples should be left to make their own dicisions about which parental role each partner takes, according to their particular circumstances and needs.
In conclusion, the changing roles of men and women in the family are a result of wider changes in society, and I believe that these developments are desirable.