

原文:By the 6th century BCE,a second method of tunnel construction appeared called the counter-excavation method, in which the tunnel was constructed from both ends. It was used to cut through high mountains when the qanat method was not a practical alternative. This method required greater planning and advanced knowledge of surveying, mathematics and geometry as both ends of a tunnel had to meet correctly at the center of the mountain. Adjustments to the direction of the tunnel also had to be made whenever builders encountered geological problems or when it deviated from its set path. They constantly checked the tunnel's advancing direction, for example, by looking back at the light that penetrated through the tunnel mouth, and made corrections whenever necessary. Large deviations could happen, and they could result in one end of the tunnel not being usable. An inscription written on the side of a 428-meter tunnel, built by the Romans as part of the Saldae aqueduct system in modern-day Algeria, describes how the two teams of builders missed each other in the mountain and how the later construction of a lateral link between both corridors corrected the initial error.

题目: The counter-excavation method completely replaced the qanat method in the 6th century BCE.



原文提到了counter-excavation method(对向开挖法)是在6世纪公元前出现的一种隧道建设方法,它被用于当qanat method(坎儿井法)不是一个实际的替代方案时,穿越高山。这表明两种方法可以根据不同的情况和需求被使用,并没有提到counter-excavation method完全取代了qanat method。因此,题目中的说法是不正确的。

原文:An inscription written on the side of a 428-meter tunnel, built by the Romans as part of the Saldae aqueduct system in modern-day Algeria, describes how the two teams of builders missed each other in the mountain and how the later construction of a lateral link between both corridors corrected the initial error.

题目:The mistake made by the builders of thethe 1.4-kilometer Cevlik tunnel in Turkey, built to divert the floodwater threatening the harbor of the ancient city of Seleuceia Pieria,


原文:the 1.4-kilometer Cevlik tunnel in Turkey, built to divert the floodwater threatening the harbor of the ancient city of Seleuceia Pieria, ……

题目:What part of Seleuceia Pieria was the Cevlik tunnel built to protect?

harbour/harbor/the harbour/the harbor,而不是ancient city

We should be less concerned with students’ ‘cognitive impatience’, however, than by what may underlie it: the potential inability of large numbers of students to read with a level of critical analysis sufficient to comprehend the complexity of thought and argument found in more demanding texts.


  • 主句:We should be less concerned with students’ ‘cognitive impatience’

  • 比较状语从句:than by what may underlie it

  • 定语从句:the potential inability of large numbers of students to read with a level of critical analysis sufficient to comprehend the complexity of thought and argument found in more demanding texts.

    • 核心名词短语:the potential inability(潜在的无能)

    • 修饰语1:of large numbers of students(大量学生的)

    • 修饰语2:to read with a level of critical analysis(阅读时具备批判性分析能力)

    • 修饰语3:sufficient to comprehend(足以理解)

    • 修饰语4:the complexity of thought and argument(思想和论点的复杂性)

    • 修饰语5:found in more demanding texts(在要求更高的文本中发现的)